Sunday, June 12, 2016
Warming Up To The Cold
Adjusting to the cold weather is not an easy task especially for immigrants arriving from tropical countries.
Minority Classification
Living in the United States presents immigrants with the new experience of being classified as minorities and having to select a race identification category.
Utility Interruption Possibilities
While utility interruptions are not a daily occurrence in the United States as in some countries, the inconvenience can be expected during severe storms.
Multi-Million Sports Industry
Sports in the United States represent a multi-million dollar industry with some athletes earning more than anyone could ever imagine.
Lawsuit Frenzy
The simplistic reasons for filing some lawsuits have signaled how the practice has become an American way of life for so many.
Invisible Immigrants
There is a failure in the United States to recognize the contributions of other immigrant groups except for the Latino community.
In Debt
Consumers misuse their credit cards when they are lured by advertisers to make purchases that many often cannot afford.
Criminal Justice System
There are some crimes that are considered infractions that require simple fines, yet the accused are sentenced to lengthy stays in prison.
Credit is a popular method of paying in the United States. However, irresponsible use of credit has led many into debt.
Cash Workers
Some employees use the illegal practice of paying their employees "under the table" instead of using a formal system of accounting and payroll.
The Dream Act Foundation has partnered with a significant number of learning institutions so that scholarships may be awarded to undocumented young adults in order for them to achieve their education goals.
School Funding Disparity
Ten million students in America's poorest communities are affected by an educational system that assigns them low-performing teachers, run-down facilities, low academic expectations and opportunities. (Donald, 2013)
Fight Against Religion In School
prayer conducted by public school personnel is outlawed throughout the United States, there is no law against engaging in individual, silent prayers.
Non-Transferable College Credits
When searching for a university to complete higher education courses, it is important to thoroughly research and select an institution where its college credits are transferable to long-standing, recognized, accredited state and private institutions.
Taking Education for Granted
Low academic performances and high drop out rates continue to be an issue especially for students enrolled in low performing public schools.
College Campus Distractions
Going to college away from home is an opportunity for many students to spend more time at athletic games, partying, and drinking rather than focusing on their academic studies.
College Athletes' Illiteracy Cover-Up
Promising male student athletes are highly recruited from high schools by college scouts. However, more emphasis is placed on the students' athletic abilities rather than their education.
Stars Wanted - No Talent Required
The get rich and famous mentality has negatively affected many who are growing up with the belief that all they need to do is appear on a reality show to achieve fame.
Proud to be Arrested
In most countries, going to jail or prison is a shameful act for the person and their families. However, incarceration in the United States appear to represent a badge-of-honor that is readily divulged without being asked.
Humanizing Pets
Many pet owners in the United States try to make their pets seem more human and serve their own desires by dressing them up in clothes, etc., etc., etc., instead of coming to terms with the fact that animalistic instincts can never be erased.
The positive of gentrification is that it revitalizes low income communities that need a boost in development. However, the negatives are that long-time residents and mom and pop businesses are displaced due to increased rents to attract wealthy White persons.
What's In A Taste
Hastening the growth of animals and vegetable affects the quality of food that is purchased at many grocery stores in the United States. Food that is free of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics may be purchased instead at specialty food stores or they are stocked at major grocery chain stores. However, the high costs make those products unaffordable for many consumers.
Elderly Disconnect
While many will do what is possible to assist their elderly parents or relative, it is a common practice for others in the United States to abandon their elderly relatives in nursing homes or leave them to live on their own and occasionally visit them.
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol use by youth aged 21 years old and below is a major public health problem (Center for Disease Control. The binge drinking of college students has become an epidemic. Alcohol abuse is also prevalent among women considered "soccer moms".
Saturday, June 11, 2016
The Welfare System
While the welfare system has made lives comfortable, some say it is ineffective because recipients would rather not get a job or get married in order to avoid losing their benefits.
Wage Theft
The UCLA Labor Center's review of wage theft cases uncovered that every week, workers in Los Angeles lose $2.2 million because of wage theft violations.
Unaffordable Healthcare
While other rich nations have successfully established a national health care program for their residents, the United States has lagged behind in addressing the health needs of residents who cannot afford the expensive healthcare costs.
Low Income Housing
Nowadays, in addition to public housing, state and local housing authorities have initiated Housing Choice vouchers for persons who qualify for low income housing.
Coping with Mental Illness
There is a stigma associated with people seeking mental health services in many countries. However, in the United States, people are comfortable sharing their need to visit a mental health service provider.
Resettlement Services
A host of immigrant services are available to assist refugees in easily adapting to life in the United States. However, such services are not available for non-refugee immigrants.
Facing Homelessness
A Department of Housing and Urban Development report indicates that in the United States, roughly 610,000 homeless people were living in emergency shelters, transitional housing, a decreased shelter, in their cars, or on the streets.
Gender Inequality
Women who do the same job of her male counterpart in the United States continue to be paid a lower salary. But, a disparity is also noticed within the female gender since African American and Latina women have been paid lower wages than White and Asian-American women even if they possess the same educational background.
Sundown Mentality Persists
In the 21st century, Sundown towns still exist in the United States. A sundown town is a town, city, or neighborhood that still maintains an all White population by excluding people of other races.
Race Based Laws
Incarceration Disparity |
Criminal Justice Disparity |
- Blacks are more likely to be pulled over and their cars searched without any reason for being stopped.
- Blacks are most likely to be arrested for drug use.
- Blacks may be excluded from juries because of their race.
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